Geagea hosting the Ramadan Iftar in Maarab: “Let Us All Assemble Around The State and Its Legitimate authority – Exclusively”
The head of the “Lebanese Forces” party Samir Geagea stated that “salvation can only be achieved through the establishment of a true effective state in Lebanon who can prepare for that an unequivocally clear roadmap: to collect all illicit weaponry within a specified and definite timeframe, to return the authority over decisions of war and
peace exclusively to the government, to secure complete sovereignty over the entire Lebanese territory, and to ensure legitimate and effective control over the northern, eastern, and southern borders.”
Geagea delivered these remarks during an Iftar he hostedalong his wife, MP Strida Geagea, in Maarab on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan.
In his address, Geagea observed that “this holy month comes this year under different circumstances and with new realities that reinforce hope—as it calls upon us to double down our efforts in seeking a secure refuge from a region striving to break free from all forms of hegemony and domination, and to forge a homeland that offers a secure future for its children, under the aegis of a true effective state endowed with full sovereignty.”
He noted, “This gathering follows an unusual period in our Arab region—a period marred by death, destruction, pain, and tears, yet one that, concurrently, has reflected a reality that inspires renewed hope among the peoples of the region, particularly the Lebanese and the Syrians, especially following the collapse of the Assad regime, that epitomized the worst of dictatorial despotism and barbarism, leading the charge in criminality, exploitation, and domination.”
Geagea stressed that “the resilience, struggle, and sacrifices of the Lebanese people have borne fruit; they have succeeded in preserving the essence ofLebanon’s identity, its sovereignty, and its freedom. Today, we stand at the threshold of the end of a chaos that has endured for several decades—a chaos
during which the state was devalued, its constitution rendered ceremonial, its decision-making usurped, its resources plundered, and its leaders, politicians, and thinkers brutally assassinated. Yet divine justice never fails; it will return and prevail, regardless of any earthly delays or setbacks, so that the blood of the martyrs—particularly that of Bachir Gemayel, Kamal Jumblatt, and Rafic Hariri—is not shed in vain.”
On the Palestinian issue, Geagea remarked, “There is an expression that sadly encapsulates the reality: how many crimes have been committed—and continue to be committed—in your name and for your cause, Palestine, whether in bad faith or good faith. Historical events have shown that most approaches toward Palestine, especially those relying on armed factions, have proven to be ineffective and futile. Moreover, many of these movements were motivated by ulterior agendas, particularly those organized outside the Palestinian framework for local ambitions related to power or regional influence.”
He went further, “The only approach that has so far managed to reclaim any portion of Palestinian land is that of the Palestine Liberation Organization, as embodied today by the Palestinian Authority—until some have resorted to bidding for it, only to destroy themselves, devastate the Gaza Strip, and clear the way for transformations aimed at undermining the West Bank. The only viable formula leading to a substantive outcome is a sustained, unyielding, and
expansive peaceful popular resistance—one that persists without fatigue, discouragement, or compromise, regardless of the time it takes. This is political resistance based on the two-state solution in line with the resolutions of the 2002 Arab Summit in Beirut. While popular resistance, manifest in strikes, sit-ins, and demonstrations in Palestinian territories and centers of decision-making, exerts significant pressure, the political approach has already demonstrated its efficacy through current events. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan have managed to foil an attempt to expel the Palestinians—despite the involvement of some of the most powerful countries in the world—which serves as a clear indication that political power, where military power has failed, can achieve decisive results for the Palestinian cause; and the same holds true for Lebanon.”
Addressing Lebanon’s Arab relations, Geagea reaffirmed, “Only that which is right can prevail.” After decades of desperate attempts to politically detach Lebanon from its Arab milieu and force it into non-Arab alignments, Lebanon has now re-embraced its natural Arab relations. Recent days witnessed the first foreign visit by President General Joseph Aoun to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including a trip to Cairo to participate in the Arab Summit. He emphasized that “the Arab environment is Lebanon’s natural setting, as has been recognized since its independence. Regardless of attempts by some to estrange it, such endeavors will only lead to failure,
for Lebanon will remain steadfast in its historic Arab ties.”
Turning to internal Lebanese dynamics, he asserted that “the following principle must prevail: there can be no stability or security in Lebanon unless all its components feel assured that their existence, presence, and distinct identities are safeguarded, within a framework of genuine partnership and balanced diversity. This can only be achieved through the establishment of a strong, capable state whose protective shadow embraces everyone.”
Accordingly, the “Head of the Lebanese Forces Party” called upon all Lebanese factions to rally exclusively around the state and its legitimate authority, to repudiate any initiative that undermines its prestige, and to undertake a thorough review of past phases—so that lessons may be learned from our unstable and unproductive national history—to pave the way for a system that ensures our future generations do not live in fear, insecurity, or poverty as previous generations did since independence.
Commenting on the current situation, Geagea opined, “It would have been preferable for the current government to adopt the slogan ‘Salvation and Reform’ rather than ‘Reform and Salvation’.” He added, “It is inconceivable to achieve any reform or lasting stability without full and effective
sovereignty—without compromise or exception. The path to reform lies in the establishment of a true state. Let us be unequivocal: the primary task of the current government—and before any secondary or tertiary tasks—is to make an immediate and public demand for the Lebanese Army to implement what is set forth in the ‘sacrament’ speech, in its ministerial declaration, in the ceasefire agreement, and by extension in international resolutions 1559, 1680, and 1701, based on the Taif Agreement. This entails collecting all illicit arms and dismantling all illegal military and security infrastructures throughout the entire Lebanese territory, within a clearly defined and specified timeframe as laid out in the Taif Agreement, without any delay or dilution.”
He reiterated, “The international and Arab consensus regarding Lebanon is not a luxury to be addressed on a Lebanese timetable. Every element of this consensus must be immediately activated to build a true state in Lebanon; otherwise, we risk losing this opportunity as we have lost previous ones since independence—particularly in 1990 and 2005.”
Regarding the situation in the south, he stressed, “The continued presence of Israel on even a single inch of Lebanese soil is utterly unacceptable and non-negotiable. However, we must not delude ourselves; the removal of this occupation can only be achieved through the concerted political and diplomatic efforts of our friends in the Arab world and internationally.” He noted, “In this regard, our Arab and Western allies will only respond once we
have demonstrated our resolve and capacity as a state that unequivocally and seriously asserts its sovereignty over its entire territory, holds the exclusive decision on war and peace, and monopolizes all arms on Lebanese soil.”
Commenting on critics who dismiss political and diplomatic efforts, he remarked, “The tragicomic reality is that military means have not only failed but have also led to the re-occupation of our land, ushering in unprecedented calamities, death, and ruin. At the very least, these discordant voices should quiet down, set their state affairs in order, and cede the matter exclusively, effectively, and finally to the state—once and for all. Only then will we know whether political and diplomatic channels, both Arab and international, will restore the ceasefire line—the actual border between Lebanon and Israel—or whether they will falter.”
On the issue of reconstruction, he declared, “Reconstruction is a national duty that cannot be forsaken. However, we also require the support of both the Arab and Western worlds to accomplish it. The International Bank has estimated the cost at ten billion dollars, but neither will rush to help with reconstruction until they are convinced that the desired true state in Lebanon has been established—a state that exclusively holds the right to bear arms, makes its own decisions on war and peace, and effectively controls its borders to the east, north, and south.” Therefore, he maintained that “those who are committed to reconstruction must first
cease all acts of obstruction and actively assist the state in reaching this critical juncture, so that reconstruction can commence properly, as we all aspire.”
To conclude, Geagea reiterated, “There is no salvation except through the establishment of a true state in Lebanon. The roadmap is unequivocally clear: the collection of all illicit weaponry within a defined and specified timeframe, the exclusive return of the decision on war and peace to the government, complete sovereignty over the entire Lebanese territory, legitimate control over the northern, eastern, and southern borders, and effective enforcement thereof.” He expressed hope that “by next year we will witness a renewed national assembly, and that our Lebanon—a true, radiant state, a genuine homeland for all its citizens, and an enduring beacon in the East—will have been realized.”
The event was attended by the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan—represented by Sheikh Khaldoun Areimat—and the spiritual leader of the Druze “Mouhitoun” sect, represented by Sheikh Fadi Al-Attar; Prime Minister Nawaf Salam, represented by Deputy Prime Minister Tarek Matri; and ministers including Foreign Minister Youssef Raji, Public Works and Transport Minister Fayez Rasamni, Social Affairs Minister Haneen El-Sayed, Industry Minister Joe Issa Al-Khoury, Tourism Minister Loura Al-Khazen, Information Minister Paul Marqus, Minister of the Displaced and the State for Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Kamal Shuhada, as well as the representative of Agriculture Minister Nizar Hani Emad Abu Rashed.
Also present were ambassadors from various nations: from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Walid bin Abdullah Al-Bukhari; from the Arab Republic of
Egypt, Alaa Moussa; from the State of Qatar, Saud bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani; from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Walid Al-Hadeed; from the Kingdom of Morocco, Mohammed Karrine; from Turkey, Marat Lutom; from the Republic of Yemen, Abdullah Abdul Karim Al-Duais; from the State of Pakistan, Salman Atahir; from the Sultanate of Oman, Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Saidy; from thePeople’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Kamal Bouchama; from the Republic of Tunisia, Bouraoui Al-Imam; from the State of Palestine, Ashraf Dabour; from India, Noor Rahman Sheikh; the chargé d’affaires at the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq, Nada Karim Majoul; the acting head at the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan, Sara Idris Hassan Ahmed; the Deputy Ambassador of the Arab League, Youssef Al-Sabaaoui; and the head of operations at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Lebanon, Khalil Dhanghadly
In addition, representatives of various political factions were present, including the representative of the Progressive Socialist Party, MP Taymour Jumblatt; the representative of the Democratic Gathering Bloc, MP Akram Shehyeh; and the representative of the National Moderation Bloc, MP Walid Al-Baarini, along with MPs Fouad Makhzoumi, Ashraf Rifi, Yassin Yassin, Ihab Matar, Nabil Badr,Haidar Nasser, Kamil Shma’oun, George Addoun, Ghassan Hasbani, Antoine Habchi, Fadi Karam, Ghada Ayoub, Ghiath Yezbak, Eli Khoury, Razi Al-Hajj, Elias Estefan, Said Al-Asmar, and Nazeih Mata. Also in attendance were notable figures such as the mufti’s representative from Zahle and Bekaa, Sheikh Diyaa
Al-Qattan; the mufti’s representative from Tripoli, Sheikh Firas Balout; the mufti’s representative from Akkar and the North, Sheikh Walid Ismail; the mufti’s representative from Baalbek-Hermel, Hayyan Saleh; the representative of the head of the Al-Irfan Foundation, Dr. Rami Azzi Al-Din; the representative of the head of the Islam Jabail Endowment Committee, Bahij Al-Laqis; along with former ministers, former MPs, the head of the General Labor Union Bashara Al-Asmar, and a host of political, labor, social, economic, and media figures.