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Al-Rahi: Neutrality Enhances Lebanon’s Role and Makes It a Partner in Finding Solutions

Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi presided over the Sunday Mass at the Church of Our Lady in the Patriarchal Seat in Bkerke, assisted by Bishop Antoine Awkar, the Patriarch’s Secretary Father Hadi Daou, the Head of Our Lady of Lebanon-Harissa Shrine Father Fadi Tabet, along with several bishops, priests, and nuns. The service was attended by former Minister Walid Nassar, Lebanon’s Honorary Consul in Florence, Italy, Charbel Al-Chbeir, the Secretary-General of the Maronite Foundation for the Diaspora Hiam Bastani, the President of the Patriarch Sfeir Social Foundation Dr. Elias Sfeir, Patrick, son of the martyrs Sobhi and Nadima Al-Fakhri, and a large gathering of dignitaries and believers.

After the Holy Gospel, Al-Rahi delivered a sermon titled: “At the Wedding of Cana, the Entire Church Was Present.” He spoke of how Jesus Christ, His mother Mary, the disciples, the bride and groom, and the wedding guests were all part of the event. Mary interceded with her son, saying, “They have no wine,” knowing Him better than anyone else. She then instructed the servants, “Do whatever He tells you.” Jesus ordered them to fill six stone jars with water and then to draw from them and present it to the chief steward, and the water had turned into the finest wine. This fine new wine symbolizes the new law—the law of justifying grace, which sanctifies the couple; the law of actual grace, which supports and strengthens them in faithful marital love, in the permanence of their shared life, in raising their children, in sanctifying themselves through daily life, in the joys and sorrows of life, and in their successes and failures. The Church’s components continue in the small domestic church—the family— which mirrors the unity with Christ. It is characterized by permanence, indissolubility, and organic unity between the spouses, forming one body through marital love (Matthew 19:4-6). The Church finds itself in human society and the state whenever these are modeled on the Church in truth, love, reconciliation, the forgiveness of offenses, honesty, and mutual cooperation for the common good. This is the goal that every society and state should pursue, one that citizens and leaders alike should embody.

Al-Rahi continued: “Lebanese society was pleased to see Prime Minister Nawaf Salam’s government receive confidence with 95 votes—a reflection of the trust of both the Lebanese people and the international community, alongside their confidence in President Joseph Aoun. Now, they are faced with the duty of making good on this trust by implementing reforms, rebuilding, revitalizing the economy, restructuring public institutions from within, establishing a functioning state, and fostering reconciliation among the Lebanese based on their belonging to one united homeland and their equal rights as citizens. Lebanon must be a final homeland for all its children, as stated in Article 1(a) of the Constitution’s preamble, and all Lebanese must pledge loyalty to this one nation. After that, Lebanon should move toward declaring positive neutrality in all its dimensions.

He emphasized that neutrality does not mean withdrawing from the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, or the United Nations. Instead, it enhances and activates Lebanon’s role in these institutions and beyond, making it a partner in finding solutions rather than remaining a victim of conflicts and disputes.

Al-Rahi concluded: “Let us pray, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lenten season may be a time of renewal and restoration in our relationship with ourselves, with God, and with our needy brethren. To the Holy Trinity be all glory and gratitude—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.”

After the Mass, Al-Rahi received the faithful who had participated in the divine service.


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