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Special – Karam: It’s Time to Confirm the Lebanese Status of the Shebaa Farms

The Lebanese Forces Party has always been an essential part of the struggle for Lebanon, and its history tells the story of great sacrifices for the principles it believes in. The Lebanese Forces have never sought positions or ministerial seats as an end in itself, but have always made decisions based on the higher national interest, especially during times of crises and challenges facing the country.

While many parties and political entities were racing to gain a share of power, the Lebanese Forces focused on broader strategic goals: improving the institutional situation of the state, strengthening Lebanon’s sovereignty, and contributing to building a country that enjoys stability and social justice. Therefore, the Lebanese Forces have always placed Lebanon above any other consideration, away from narrow partisan interests or political bickering.

The decision to participate in the government was an important step to bring about the necessary change in Lebanon’s state institutions and to work on repairing what had been destroyed by decades of corruption and waste. The Lebanese Forces undertook this responsibility at a time when the situation in Lebanon was unbearable, as the country had reached a critical stage that threatened its stability and existence as a sovereign state.

Fadi Karam, a member of the Strong Republic bloc, outlines the priorities that the Lebanese Forces are currently focusing on. In an interview on the Lebanese Forces’ website, he says: “What is required from the government today to ensure lasting stability for Lebanon, especially on the Lebanese borders, is to assert its sovereignty, and to prevent any external force with its own political agenda that would turn Lebanon into a platform for international conflicts. Therefore, full sovereign neutrality is required, and non-interference in regional conflicts that are nothing but power struggles, not struggles for the rights of the Palestinian people, nor the Iraqis, Lebanese, Syrians, or Yemenis.”

Karam adds: “The most important thing for the government is to consider that its primary battle is to impose its sovereignty over all Lebanese territory, which means the removal of any weapons from organizations, foremost among them the ‘Party.’ From this perspective, the same approach should be applied to all Lebanese borders, from the south to the north, and they should be under the control of the Lebanese Army. The government should also form a committee to delineate the Lebanese-Syrian borders and request the Syrian government to contact the United Nations and recognize that the Shebaa Farms are Lebanese, and then implement the ceasefire mentioned in the Taif Agreement with Israel.”


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